Should I Continue to Take Creatine When Cutting Reddit

During the cutting cycle, professional bodybuilders cut back on carbs and fats while increasing protein intake. Even if they consume carbohydrates, they are carefully timed to fit their dietary regime. According to numerous studies, up to 1% of fat loss is considered safe, and you shouldn't exceed this percentage per week.
If you cut too fast, or you resort to restrictive diets, then you will lose muscle as well. In this case, the recovery will be slow, which may affect your professional performance. Also, many bodybuilders wonder, should you take creatine while cutting?
In this article, we will try to clarify a couple of things as well as answer all the pressing questions you may have.
Does creatine fit into cutting regime?
You should know that creatine is a complex of amino acids that the body naturally produces. It is designed to provide you with enough energy, which muscles use to withstand high-intensity workout. Creatine is mostly stored in skeletal muscles, while smaller amounts can be found in the brain, liver, kidneys, and pancreas.
Your body requites up to three grams of creatine per day. However, the levels depend on numerous factors, such as muscle needs, as well as testosterone. For instance, if you have a high-intensity training session, then your body will drain stored creatine faster. Therefore, you will need to consume more, to maintain your macules in proper form.
Keep in mind that food such as fish and meat are packed with creatine, and will help you replenish your daily intake. However, nowadays, athletes don't only rely on food to provide them enough creatine, but they use various supplements during a high-intensity workout. In this case, you should be aware because not all supplements are the same.
For example, according to numerous studies, CM or creatine monohydrate is the safest and most efficient type of creatine, which is able to boost the power and muscle size.
How can cutting be successful?
A lot of factors can determine whether cutting can be successful or not. For example, some of the individual characteristics, such as sex, genetics, overall health, determination, focus, and workout load, can either boost or spoil your cutting process.
Additionally, other issues might affect your success as well, and they can be related to methods and timing. However, in this case, timing isn't only about training; it includes nutrition and diet as well. How often, or how much you do a workout, or how fast or slow you cut fats, and when do you add supplements can make a significant difference too.
Benefits of consuming creating during the cutting process
We already established that CM supplements are the best when it comes to increasing muscle mass. But how do they actually work? Creatine supports and protects muscles by adding more water into them. Also, it preserves and prevents muscle fibers from damage.
For that reason, drinking a lot of water while cutting fats is essential. In this case, you will shield muscles from injury or breakdown. Base on one study, professional bodybuilders, were asked to take creatine for four weeks, during high-intensity workouts. The results showed that this supplement helped them enhance body fat percentage, increase power performance, as well as muscle strength.
Other studies also proved that creatine could boost performance without affecting fat mass.
Is it effective?
Many athletes apply a dose of 20g per day for up to one month. While this is fine, you won't notice the true potential of creatine. On the other hand, 3g of creatine will provide you with better results, but with minor side-effects, such as stomach ache.
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